The power of food can provide you with the power of good health. The food you choose to eat plays a prominent role in maintaining your well-being, health and vitality. At Roly Poly, our mission is to provide the world’s healthiest sandwiches, soups and salads to our discriminating customers. We create unique flavors and textures from multiple ingredients in portions that compliment the whole – not overwhelm or overindulge.
THINK before you Eat!
We source out those ingredients with the greatest number of nutrients and the least number of calories – ingredients that provide a rich concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Many of the world’s healthiest foods do not require any cooking; fruits, nuts, seeds, dairy products, herbs, spices and most vegetables. By savoring the taste and textures of raw vegetables in our cold sandwiches and salads and by enjoying the lightly cooked “tender on the outside – firm on the inside” vegetables in our toasted “Grilled Golden Brown” sandwiches you receive the unique nutritional benefits from both.
ROLY POLY POWER is the power of choice. You choose what is necessary to make your meal the most beneficial to you. We clearly understand that variety is the spice of life! Not only do we offer you the option of customizing with additions, deletions and even your own creations!
At Roly Poly we select only the freshest, whole, natural, nutrient rich and minimally processed foods with as many health promoting benefits. Mother Nature provides us with the building blocks and then we simply assemble sandwiches and salads in unique and delicious combinations—truly the sum of many delectable parts.
Ingredients by Mother Nature – Sandwiches by Roly Poly
Whole Wheat
Wheat, the “Staff of Life”, is believed to have been consumed for more than 12,000 years – originating in southwestern Asia. One third of the world’s population depends on wheat for nourishment. Whole wheat promotes healthy weight control, balanced blood sugar and overall optimum health.
Leaf Lettuce
The cultivation of lettuce may date back as far as 4,500 BC. Depictions of lettuce have been found on ancient Egyptian tombs and it is believed that lettuce was held in high esteem by the Greeks and Romans, both as a food and for its medicinal properties. The Chinese consider lettuce good luck and serve it on birthdays, New Year’s Day and other special occasions. In the United States lettuce is an important low calorie food that is excellent for weight control. Lettuce is also an excellent source of heart healthy folic acid and chromium, a hard to find mineral that is important for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Lettuce is a concentrated source of hytonutrients which have powerful antioxidant properties. By combining lettuce in a sandwich or salad with chicken, lean meats, reduced fat cheese, nuts, beans and seeds you can create a nutritious meal that is only limited by your imagination.
Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit? The confusion arises because tomatoes are typically enjoyed as a vegetable however botanically they are classified as a fruit. Historically this question caused such controversy due to tariff dispute – should tomatoes be taxed as a fruit or a vegetable – it took a decision by the United States Supreme Court in 1893 to decide that tomatoes would be officially considered a vegetable! Tomatoes are an excellent source of both vitamins A and C, powerful antioxidants that provide anti-inflammatory protection and neutralize free radicals that damage cells. In the area of food and phytonutrient research few nutrients have received as much attention as lycopene – another powerful ingredient found in tomatoes. Lycopene has been found to protect cells, DNA and LDL cholesterol from oxidation. Tomatoes are low in calories and high in nutrients – another power ingredient to add to your healthy sandwich and salad.
Native to Central and South America, avocados have been cultivated since 8,000 BC. Although they are usually served as a vegetable they are actually a type of tropical fruit with a smooth buttery texture and a rich distinctive flavor. Although the majority of the calories in avocados do come from fat it is of the monounsaturated type found in olive oil, olives and nuts. Monounsaturated fats are associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Adding avocado to a salad or sandwich helps the absorption of nutrients from other vegetables – another health benefit of this delicious food. In addition to being a storehouse of healthy fatty acids, avocados are also a concentrated source of fiber, folic acid, vitamin B6, potassium and copper.
Bell Peppers
Like many other foods native to South America, Bell Peppers were introduced to the rest of the world by Spanish and Portuguese explorers. The nutrients found in Bell Peppers are associated with promoting a healthy heart and lungs as well as vision health. Bell Peppers are a member of the “nightshade” family of vegetables along with potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants. Seeds of a wild variety date back to 5,000 BC. The various colors of Bell Peppers all come from the same plant but differ in their level of maturity – first green, then yellow and finally red.
Spinach is thought to have originated in ancient Persia (Iran) and was introduced into China in the 7th century when the king of Nepal sent it as a gift to the emperor. Belonging to the family of vegetable known as “goosefoot” – spinach can be enjoyed both cooked and raw. Spinach is an excellent plant based source of iron – low in calories and virtually fat free. Spinach is also a rich source of phytonutrients which provide antioxidant protection against damage to cell structures.
Ever since ancient times, people have thought of mushrooms as being endowed with special powers. The Egyptians that they granted immortality – only the pharaohs were worthy – common people were not even allowed to touch them, let alone eat them. Although considered a vegetable and prepared like one, they are actually a fungus, a special type of living organism that has no roots, leaves, flowers or seeds. Mushrooms are delicious and the source of many health promoting nutrients.
Cucumbers are believed to have originated over 10,000 years ago in southern Asia and then introduced to India and other parts of Asia by early explorers and travelers. In the ancient civilizations of Eqypt, Greece and Rome they were used not only as a food but were highly regarded for their skin healing properties. LouisXIV was very fond of cucumbers, and it was during his reign that the greenhouse cultivation of cucumbers began. The polynutrient compound caffeic helps sooth irritated skin and reduce swelling. Cucumbers are high in nutrients and low in calories. High in potassium, magnesium and fiber, cucumbers are another heart healthy ingredient to your favorite sandwich or salad.
The earliest ancestor of our modern day carrot can be traced back to Central Asia and the Middle East and was purple in color. It was not until they appeared in Afghanistan that they were cultivated and developed into an early version of the orange carrots that we are familiar with today. Carrots are one of the richest sources of vitamin A, a nutrient that helps support vision health and boosts the immune system. There are over 100 different varieties of carrots, all high in nutrients and low in calories. Alpha and beta carotene, both found in carrots, are enhanced when eaten with nuts or an olive oil dressing. Carrots are also rich in other heart healthy nutrients including vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and dietary fiber.
Cashews are indigenous to the Americas but are widely cultivated in India and Africa. Surprisingly they belong to the same family as mangos as well as other nuts such as pistachios. Cashews area tasty heart healthy food. Not only do cashews have a lower fat content than most other nuts, 75% of their total fat is the same heart healthy monounsaturated fat – oleic acid – found in olive oil. Studies show that oleic acid promotes good cardiovascular health. Cashews are also a good source of magnesium, a mineral that helps regulate nerve and muscle tone. Cashews are rich in phytonutients that help block cholesterol absorption and lower cholesterol levels in the body. Cashews are also a concentrated source of sleep promoting tryptophan.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflowers are thought to have originated in Mexico and Peru and are one of the first plants to be cultivated in the United States. They have been used for more than 5,000 years by Native Americans, who not only used the seed as a food and a spirrce of oil, but also used the flowers, roots and stems for various purposes including dye pigment. Sunflower seeds are so rich in nutrients that they are one of the most health promoting snacks available. Rich in vitamin E, a nutrient essential for cardiovascular health because it provides antioxidant protection from damage caused to cells caused by free radicals. Studies have shown that people with a high intake of Vitamin E from food have a reduction in their rate of mental decline. Research studies have suggested that people who consume more vitamin E retain mental function and are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Sunflower Seeds are also a good source of B1 which is necessary for the production of a neurotransmitter essential for memory.
Originating in Persia and prized by the early Romans as the “Royal Nut of Jove” (their mythological king) – walnuts are one of the earliest tree foods. Walnuts are a rich source of hard to find Omega 3 fatty acids which are cardio protective and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Walnuts may also be of special benefit when it comes to hypertension. Rich in the amino acid l-arginine – when converted in the body to nitric oxide – a nutrient that helps keep the inner walls of blood vessels smooth and allows blood vessels to relax. Walnuts contain a compound – ellagic – that seems to help protect healthy cells from free radical damage, as well as detoxify potential cancer causing substances and help prevent cancer cells from replicating.
Cranberries have also been called “bounceberries” because the ripe berries bounce and “craneberries” because their pale pink blossoms look a bit like the cranes that frequent cranberry bogs. American Indians first cooked cranberries with honey and maple syrup – a recipe that was likely a treat at early American Thanksgiving feasts. Cranberries were also used by the Indians as a source of red dye as well as medicinally since cranberries help stop bleeding by contracting tissue. American sailors carried Vitamin C – rich Cranberries on their voyages to help prevent scurvy. Cranberries have also been found to have antibiotic effects. Cranberries may have such potential to protect urinary tract health that even a single 1.5 oz serving of dried cranberries had the ability to reduce the adhesion of bacteria to the urinary tract walls. Cranberries contain nutrients that help prevent kidney stones, promote gastrointestinal health and provide powerful antioxidant protection.
Basil has a history as a token of love, a symbol of hospitality and a passport to help the desceased enter Paradise. As a member of the Mint family basil is highly regarded for its medicinal qualities as a digestive aid and antibacterial agent. Basil contains powerful antioxidant flavonoids. It is a concentrated source of volatile oil polynutrients which have been found to have both antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties.
The Greeks and Romans regarded Dill as a sign of wealth and held it in high regard for its many healing properties. The name Dill comes from the old Norse word “Dilla” which means “to lull.” It reflects the traditional uses of Dill as both a stomach soother and an insomnia reliever. Dill is an unusual herb in that both its leaves and its seeds can be used as a seasoning. Dill also contains the same volatile oil polynutrients as does Basil and provides powerful antioxidant as well as antimicrobial protection.
Ancient Egyptians believed Garlic was not only enhanced with sacred qualities but enhanced the strength and endurance of the slaves that built the pyramids. In addition to being a rich source of vitamins and minerals Garlic also contains unique sulfer compounds that contribute to its healthy benefits. One such compound, allicin, joins forces with Vitamin C to help kill harmful microbes. Allicin functions as a 3 Anti compound – antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral.
Chili Powder – Cayenne and Red Chili Peppers
Red chili peppers trace their long history to Central and South America where the cuisine is known for its hot and spicy flavors. First cultivated by the native Indians over 7000 years ago – chili peppers were originally used as a decorative item and then later as food and medicine. Christopher Columbus brought the Cayenne Pepper back to Europe where it became a substitute for black pepper which was very expensive at the time. Cayenne and Red Chili Peppers are rich in unique antioxidant carotenoids that have anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties and provide heat that may help you to burn fat. The latest studies are now finding that one of these phytonutrients actually may induce the reduction of tumors.
Jalapeño & Chipotle Peppers
These medium to large size peppers are named after the town of Jalapa, Mexico where they were originally grown. Jalapenos are a pod type of Capsicum. They are rich with capsicum which helps promote healthy hearts and lungs as well as vision health. A chipotle is a ripe jalapeno that has been smoked. The growing period for a jalapeño plant is 70-80 days. When mature the plant is 2-3 feet tall and will produce 25-35 pods. During a growing season a plant will be picked multiple times. As a growing season ends the jalpenos start to turn red. The heat of a jalapeño which is caused by capsaicin and related compounds is concentrated in the veins surrounding the seeds! Irritation of the skin and eyes may result if you do not handle jalapeños with care!
Garbanzo Beans
Garbanzo beans, also know as Chick Peas, originated in the Middle East and were enjoyed in ancient Greece and Rome. Garbanzos are the most widely consumed legume in the world. They are a rich supply of dietary fiber which makes them valuable for both heart and digestive health. Their soluble fiber content makes them an excellent food to help maintain healthy blood sugar